It is something that as you mature you ask yourself more frequently. It is so
important to understand who you are, especially when it comes to your career.
The bit that everyone struggles
Below are the two articles I have written this week. The first is another aspect
on mentoring that is not very common but has a great beenfit if used in the
right way.
I have done at least 6 different roles within my 12 years at my company and have
moved roles for various reasons. Some of those moves had been forced as there
was a
Reverse Mentoring is where instead of you having a mentor that is senior to you,
you get one that is 'junior' to you. This is unconventional and not something
that I
Happy New Year! I decided this past week that I would focus on mentoring. So I
have written two posts. One on traditional mentoring and what I see as the
advantages to it.