Sunday Snapshot 14th Edition

Photo by Thought Catalog / Unsplash

Below are the two articles I have written this week. The first is another aspect on mentoring that is not very common but has a great beenfit if used in the right way. The second article is something that just occurred to me to write about after speaking to people about career moves. Just click on the links below to take you to the full post. Hope you enjoy!

Reverse Mentoring
Reverse Mentoring is where instead of you having a mentor that is senior to you, you get one that is ‘junior’ to you. This is unconventional and not something that I have come across often but one I have seen in the company I work for and have heard positive

What I Have Learned To Always Do When Moving Roles
I have done at least 6 different roles within my 12 years at my company and have moved roles for various reasons. Some of those moves had been forced as there was a company restructure which meant I had to apply for other roles. However some of those moves were

For those of you that are trying to keep those New Years resolutions on track I would highly recommend you read my post which was about the book Atomic Habits. I would also encourage you to buy the book and give it a read, it gives you lots of practical advice to keep those habits going or breaking the bads ones.

The Book You Need To Read If You Want To Build (Or Break) Habits
SummaryThis is an international bestselling book written by James Clear. It is all about making small changes to create significant changes (hence the title). I discovered the book purely by seeing it in the shop and being grabbed by the title. I read the blurb and it grabbed my attention

Book of the week

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Thanks again, Gav

*For full transparency, the post above has affiliate links. If you click on affiliate  links and make a purchase it is of no extra cost to you but I will receive a small commission from it.

Gav Singh

Gav Singh