Sunday Snapshot 15th Edition

For those of you that had new years resolutions I hope they are still going strong and you feel great for having them. For those of you that have not lasted, then don't worry, there is no reason that you can't pick it back up without waiting for another new year!

Two posts this week. One is a quick read to do with self brand and who you are. The second is a book recommendation.

Just click on the links below to take you to the full post.


Who You Want To Be Is Who You Are
It is something that as you mature you ask yourself more frequently. It is so important to understand who you are, especially when it comes to your career. The bit that everyone struggles with is knowing who you are. I have been asked before what my personal brand was. I

The Book To Read If You Want To Be Creative
When I set out to write a blog it started because I wanted to increase my creativity. I wanted to prove to myself that I could improve on my writing and I could do something that was creative. My next question was, how do I become more creative and this

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Thanks again, Gav